Someone on my Facebook just posted a picture relating to yet another public humiliation discipline tactic. I won't post a picture because I find it disgraceful to the child. But in recap:
An 11 year old girl is being punished by her mother for twerking at a school dance. The girl is made to stand on a busy street corner holding a sign that says "I embarrassed by parents by twerking at a school dance."
This stuff really cheeses me off. It's absurd. Beyond absurd.
First off... How does this 11 year old know about twerking? I'm not naive enough to think you can shield your children from all the evil in the world, but still... How does she know about it?
Did she or the family watch the MTV awards? If so, did they not realize that MTV is not for ELEVEN year olds? I believe that show was actually rated for 14+. Did this girl watch it in her room alone? If so, why aren't her parents monitoring what she's watching? Is it really a good idea for young children to have their own televisions and computers in today's world? (case in point - twerking)
Was this girl exposed to twerking (I hate that word, btw) by friends? If so, her mom needs to address it. Now. What else is this young girl doing with her friends that's inappropriate? Do other parents know their kids are absorbing all this sexual hype?
Either way, this girl was exposed to it no matter the avenue. It's the parent's job to teach their kids about what's ok and what's not ok. Did they laugh together at how funny twerking is? Or did the mom immediately address the vulgarity and immodesty and clarify that such things are done by women who simply don't know any better. Or don't care. (Offensive? The truth hurts.)
This is a very young, very impressionable girl. Again, I admit that there is no way to protect our innocent babes from everything... But I honestly doubt the sincerity of this mom's intentions. Why?
She's got her 11 year old daughter standing on a street corner in short shorts holding up a sign advertising her public twerking history. The mom stands back with her arms folded and a satisfied smirk on her face while TV news reporters rush in to interview her about her "discipline technique."
Parenting fail. EPIC parenting fail.
I find it ridiculous and pretty disturbing that so many parents find themselves to be so inept at properly disciplining their children that they resort to public humiliation.
This is an 11 year old. Possibly pre-pubescent. And her mom is standing her out in the open to be mocked, ridiculed, and embarrassed. Does this mom feel any guilt for not being more proactive in the preservation of her daughters innocence? Or is she just really proud of herself for making a big scene of it after the fact? After the fact that her baby girl has already been overtly sexualized and lacks proper boundaries and a sense of modesty.
Does the mom even know she's done anything wrong?
Anybody with half a brain could figure out that public humiliation is not a good form of discipline. It doesn't do anything but teach the kid that mistakes make you a horrible person to be pointed and laughed at. Even by your parents.
I find it disgusting that this mom stands by claiming to be a concerned parent, all the while pointing at her 11 year old daughter (I can't stress the age enough) like it's the child's fault. And the likely reason this mom has chosen this public tactic is because she's seen it done somewhere else and thought "that's one cool parent!" When in reality, it just shows a complete lack of parenting comprehension.
And now this child's picture can be found all over Google. In her short shorts. And we all know she can twerk. Proud of yourself now, Mom?
Either A) the child made a genuine mistake and should be corrected and punished appropriately. AKA not being made to look like a whore. By her mom. Or B) the child doesn't have a good sense of okay vs. inappropriate which stems from the standards being taught at home.
Public humiliation as a form of child punishment is sickening and just plain stupid. Discipline is not meant to hurt your child. It's meant to help them. To correct them and prepare them for life. To show them what's acceptable and safe. There should be no glory and vengeful satisfaction taken from punishing a child. The child has made a bad decision which directly reflects on the parent. How the parent handles the correction of that bad decision reflects even more so on the parent.
More and more parents are getting rave reviews from others and are being applauded for their "tough love." I won't say that these parents don't love their children. They obviously care enough to notice misbehavior. However, I believe they are doing a horrible disservice to their children when they mistakenly group 'public humiliation of their own flesh and blood' into the category of 'discipline.'
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